
class minke.sessions.Session(con, db, minkeobj=None)#

Base-class for all session-classes.

All session-classes must inherit from Session. By defining a subclass of Session the subclass will be implicitly registered as session-class and also a run-permission will be created for it. To prevent this behavior use an abstract session by setting abstract to True.

Each session will be instantiated with a fabric-connection and an object of MinkeSession. The connection-object provides the remote-access, while the minkesession is the database- representation of a specific session running for a specific minkemodel-object.

For a session-class to be useful you at least has to define the process()-method and add one or more MinkeModel to work_on-attribute.

abstract = True#

An abstract session-class won’t be registered itself. This is useful if your session-class should be a base-class for other sessions.

Abstract session-classes can be registered manually by calling its classmethod register():


This won’t add a run-permission-lookup-string to permissions. To do so use the classmethod SessionRegistration.add_permission():

verbose_name = None#

Display-name for sessions.

group = None#

Group-name used as optgroup-tag in the select-widget. Best practice to group sessions is to use a SessionGroup.

work_on = ()#

Tuple of minke-models. Models the session can be used with.

permissions = ()#

Tuple of permission-strings. To be able to run a session a user must have all the permissions listed. The strings should have the following format: “<app-label>.<permission’s-codename>.

auto_permission = True#

If True a lookup-string for a session-specific run-permission will be automatically added to permissions.


To avoid database-access on module-level we won’t create the permission itself. Once you setup your sessions you could create run-permissions for all sessions using the api-command:

$ ./ minkeadm --create-permissions
form = None#

An optional form that will be rendered before the session will be processed. The form-data will be accessible within the session as the data-property. Use it if the session’s processing depends on additional user-input-data.

Instead of setting the form-attribute you can also directly overwrite get_form().

confirm = False#

If confirm is true, the admin-site asks for a user-confirmation before processing a session, which also allows to review the objects the session was revoked with.

invoke_config = {}#

Session-specific fabric- and invoke-configuration-parameters which will be used to initialize a fabric-connection. The keys must be formatted in a way that is accepted by load_snakeconfig().

See also the documentation for the configuration of fabric and invoke.

parrallel_per_host = False#

Allow parrallel processing of multiple celery-tasks on a single host. If multiple minke-objects are associated with the same host all tasks running on them would be processed in a serial manner by default. This is to protect the ressources of the host-system. If you want to allow parrallel processing of multiple celery-tasks on a single host set parrallel_per_host to True.


To perform parrallel task-execution on a single host we make use of celery’s chords-primitive, which needs a functioning result-backend to be configured. Please see the celery-documentation for more details.

classmethod get_form()#

Return form by default.

Overwrite this method if you need to setup your form-class dynamically.

property c#

Refers to the fabric.connection.Connection-object the session was initialized with.

property minkeobj#

Refers to models.MinkeSession.minkeobj.

property status#

Refers to models.MinkeSession.session_status.

property data#

Refers to models.MinkeSession.session_data. This model-field holds all the data that comes from form.

stop(*arg, **kwargs)#

Interrupt the session’s processing.

This method could be called twice. The first time it will initiate a soft interruption which means a current remote-process won’t be interrupted. The session will be stopped subsequently. If it is called meanwhile a second time, the session will be killed immediately.


It seems that there is no chance to interrupt a shell-process started by fabric if no pty is in use. fabric.runners.Remote.send_interrupt says:

... in v1, we just reraised the KeyboardInterrupt unless a PTY was
present; this seems to have been because without a PTY, the
below escape sequence is ignored, so all we can do is immediately
terminate on our end...

Thus killing a session makes most sense if it has the run.pty-config in use. Otherwise you just will be disconnected from the remote-process.


Real work is done here…

This is the place for your own session-code.

add_msg(msg, level=None)#

Add a message.

  • msg

    You could either pass an instance of any message-class, or any type the different message-classes are initiated with:

    • a string for a PreMessage

    • a tuple or list for a TableMessage

    • an object of Result for a ExecutionMessage

  • level (string or bool (optional)) – This could be one of ‘info’, ‘warning’ or ‘error’. If you pass a bool True will be ‘info’ and False will be ‘error’.

set_status(status, update=True)#

Set session-status. Pass a valid session-status or a bool.

  • status (string or bool) – Valid status as string or True for ‘success’ and False for ‘error’.

  • update (bool (optional)) – If True the session-status could only be raised. Lower values as current will be ignored.


Use the data and the fields of the minkeobj as parameters for format() to prepare the given command.


cmd (string) – a format-string


The formatted command.

Return type


run(cmd, **invoke_params)#

Run a command.

Basically call run() on the Connection-object with the given command and invoke-parameters.

Additionally save the Result-object as an models.CommandResult-object.

  • cmd (string) – The shell-command to be run.

  • (optional) (**invoke_params) – Parameters that will be passed to run()

Return type

object of models.CommandResult

frun(cmd, **invoke_params)#

Same as run(), but use format_cmd() to prepare the command-string.

xrun(cmd, **invoke_params)#

Same as frun(), but also add a ExecutionMessage and update the session-status.

update_field(field, cmd, regex=None, **invoke_params)#

Running a command and update a field of minkeobj.

Assign either result.stdout or if available the first matched regex-group. If result.failed is True or result.stdout is empty or the given regex does not match, the field is updated with None. In this case an error-message will be added.

  • field (string) – Name of the field that should be updated.

  • cmd (string) – The shell-command to be run.

  • regex (string (optional)) – A regex-pattern the CommandResult will be validated with.

  • (optional) (**invoke_params) – Parameters that will be passed to run()


False if the field was updated with None. True otherwise.

Return type



AttributeError – If the given field does not exists on minkeobj.

class minke.sessions.SingleCommandSession(con, db, minkeobj=None)#

An abstract Session-class to execute a single command.

If you want your session to execute a single command simply create a subclass of SingleCommandSession and overwrite the command-attribute. The command will be executed with xrun().


class MyDrupalModel(models.Model):
    root = models.CharField(max_length=255)

class MySession(SingleCommandSession):
    work_on = (MyDrupalModel,)
    command = 'drush --root={root} cache-clear all'
command = None#

Shell-command to be executed.


Real work is done here…

This is the place for your own session-code.

class minke.sessions.CommandFormSession(con, db, minkeobj=None)#

Same as class:.SingleCommandSession but rendering a TextField to enter the command.


class MySession(CommandFormSession):
    work_on = (MyModel,)

alias of minke.forms.CommandForm

class minke.sessions.CommandChainSession(con, db, minkeobj=None)#

An abstract Session-class to execute a sequence of commands.

The commands will be invoked one after another. If one of the commands return with a state defined in break_states no further commands will be executed.


class MySession(CommandChainSession):
    work_on = (MyServer,)
    commands = (
        'a2ensite mysite'
        'apachectl configtest',
        'service apache2 reload')
commands = ()#

tuple of shell-commands

break_states = ('error',)#

tuple of models.CommandResult.status on which the session will be interrupted


Real work is done here…

This is the place for your own session-code.

class minke.sessions.SessionChain(con, db, minkeobj=None)#

An abstract Session-class to execute a sequence of sessions.

If you have some sessions you want to be able to process separately or as a sequence you could make use of a SessionChain.

All sessions have to work with the same minkeobj. If one of the sessions ends up with a status defined in break_states no further sessions will be executed.


class MySession(SessionChain):
    work_on = (MyServer,)
    sessions = (


It is possible to add abstract sessions to sessions.


Only the invoke_config of the main session will be applied. The invoke_config of the sessions in sessions will be ignored.

The same is true for get_form(). Only the form returned by the main session’s get_form() will be rendered.

sessions = ()#

tuple of Session

break_states = ('error',)#

tuple of Session.status on which further processing will be skipped.


Real work is done here…

This is the place for your own session-code.