Welcome to minke’s documentation!#

A framework for remote-control- and configuration-management-systems#

Minke is a framework that combines the full power of djangos admin-interface with the reliability and configurability of fabric2 and celery. A pure open-source- and pure python-solution to realize the most different szenarios concerning remote-control and configuration-managment.

Imagine you just need to setup some managment-commands for a handful of servers - you can do that with minke. Imagine you have lots of servers with different setups that you need to group and address seperatly - you can do that with minke. Imagine you have servers with multiple subsystems installed on each of them and you not just want to manage those systems but also to track configurations, version-numbers, installed extensions or modules and to filter for all of those values within your backend - you can do that with minke.

Minke uses#

  • django as backend and ORM

  • fabric2 for remote-execution

  • celery for asynchronous session-processing

Minke features#

  • full integration with django’s admin-site

  • asynchronously and parrallel session-execution

  • realtime monitoring of executed sessions

  • session- and command-history

  • CLI using django’s management-commands

Indices and tables#